Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I've Made a Goal

Hi there. Thank you to those faithful readers who read each of my posts and are patient with my inconsistency. As things settle and I have the resources I need to make this blog more what I dream it to be (which is steadily happening), there will be more consistency. So stay tuned because one day you will be able to say, "I read the pot stirrer before it was a sensation and when it was all raw and new and imperfect!" Ok, ok?! Thank you.

   So, I've made a goal. Just now. It involves my health and the environment. I just joined the 30x30 challenge (see link http://www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/queen-of-green/) which involves getting outside in nature for at least 30 min a day for 30 days. I basically already do this and beyond but I wanted to join it to support the idea, the association that is putting it on and as a reminder to myself of why it is so important. Anyways, this got me thinking. I've been on this journey of becoming a health and environment conscious person. I've learned a ton through my education and personal application about how to live healthy from what I eat, to what I use to wash my hair. I've been gathering huge chunks, complete sections and bits and pieces along the way. I've decided that it is time to combine them all into one complete package and really move forward with this new way of living in every way I can. I am going to start now. Officially. Ok? It's official. You can call me out, you can check up on me, you can read my blog for updates, ask me how it's going etc... 

What is this challenge going to involve? Healing my body, for real. Going beyond where I have been so far and truly making those changes that haven't stuck yet. This will include my diet, lifestyle (sleeping habits, schedule, fitness, stress management), spirituality, discipline and priorities. It will include things like juicing, making my own bread, challenging myself to achieve my fitness goals, eating "meals" at regular times, going to bed early, getting up early, getting outside more, studying my scriptures daily, listening to good music, practicing gratitude and happiness, spending quality time, deep breathing etc... 


The second part of this challenge will be the environmental/economical part. Both parts are interconnected but we will separate them for clarity's sake. This part will involve simplifying and further "greening" my life. I want to get to the point where 90 - 100% of all my cleaning and beauty supplies are simple, inexpensive and natural. No more store bought cleaners and shampoo's and conditioners. I'm already living this to some degree and have more in the past but I want to solidify it and make it a permanent part of my life. I want to waste less, compost and recycle and re-use more. I am going to grow a garden naturally. I am going to take part in a community based weekly veggie and fruit box and support local and organic farmers and businesses. I am going to reduce the amount of money we spend on groceries and eating out whilst at the same time eating and living more eco-friendly. I'm so excited! It will take time and I will make mistakes but it is going to happen. The more we get settled in life the better it will become. Especially once we have our own house :) I will share updates, recipes, ideas, experiences and pictures with you as I go along. Stay tuned!

Lastly, I got a puppy! Friday May 10th my husband brought home the newest member of our family. A pure bred golden retriever from a reputable breeder in Manitoba. He is beautiful and we love him. We named him Bentley. He is about 10 weeks old. I seriously can't stop looking at him. He is whipping us into shape and learning fast. He is so smart and happy and well behaved (for a puppy). I adore him. Good practice for having a kid for sure! I'm so glad I got him first. It's teaching me a lot and changing me already. Life is beautiful!

Mrs. Evans

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I Live In a Freezer: And Other Valuable Information

So, it's really cold here today. I mean REALLY cold. It's like living in a freezer.

We woke up early this morning for my husband's work and boy did we feel it! A friend from work sent him a text with some colorful words, describing said weather, and I looked out our little bedroom window and saw a thick layer of snow on the fence outside. Even my husband had to put on 2 sweaters this morning. I bundled up with 2 shirts, 2 sweaters, sweat pants and 2 pairs of really thick socks. When we opened the ice and snow covered door as he left I saw a cold, snowy world; gray and white and miserable looking. Makes you want to curl up on the couch in all your layers, with 2 blankets, a warm laptop and a hot mug of tea. Which I am. I am currently drinking Licorice Spice by Stash. It's lovely.

                                  (I love Crate and Barrel http://www.crateandbarrel.ca)

Speaking of tea. I love it! Herbal tea to be specific. My religion has a kind of health code called the Word of Wisdom, which I choose to follow, that talks about not drinking coffee and tea; so for that reason and other health reasons I don't drink anything but herbal tea. Within that though there are so many possibilities! I've been drinking herbal tea for a long time but whilst I was living at my parents for a month in February I rediscovered it, if you will.

 My mother-in-law has been following this health program that requires her to drink a lot of water. She has basically been carrying around a litre mason jar and constantly re-filling it with lemon water. She was drinking x amount of litres, according to her body weight. Well, I decided to copy her. I know all about the health benefits of drinking lots of water. In fact, in school it was the very first thing we learned about. We had an entire unit on it. It's good for circulation, digestion, your immune system, your skin etc... I figured since I would be home a lot and had easy access to a bathroom for a whole month I would try it. I did my own variation of course. I drank 3 litres of water a day (most days) but I mostly just had 1 lemon drink with a tbsp of maple syrup a day and the rest was a litre mason jar with 2 bags of herbal tea and a little liquid Stevia. Cold. Well, more like cool. It was amazing! I also know that there are an exorbitant amount of wonderfully beneficial herbs out there and have often wished I could find a simple way to incorporate them more into my diet. Duh! Herbal tea. It's perfect! I can get my herbs AND my H2O, all in one! So efficient. I feel like a genius. Haha. Although, I'm pretty sure I'm a little slow on the uptake with this one. When I needed warmth I would drink it warm in a mug and then  the rest of the time I had it cold. It was just like having flavored water all the time, or juice when I used fruity tea's. Only the flavoring wasn't a little packet of refined sugar that rots your teeth and weakens your immune system (just to name a few). It was all natural and extremely good for my health.



So what did I notice? I noticed that my moods were more balanced and brighter, my mind and my skin were clearer, my energy levels were higher, my bowel movements were better (don't laugh it's important!), and as long as I stopped drinking an hour or more before bedtime; my sleep was good too. So many benefits! You should try it. I am going to make it a life style. Adjusting the amount as needed. I just moved across the country so I still need to find myself a litre mason jar as I couldn't take the one I had with me, but I can't wait to start again and feel the change. This experiment has been one of the most immediate, obvious and substantial in it's results. I like that. So go home and try it! You can just buy bagged tea or get mixes for your tea strainer. Whatever you like :) Choose organic and natural as much as possible and if you want more of those beneficial herbs; look for ones whose main ingredients are herbs. Like my licorice spice!

Here's a tea recipe I was thinking of today; because it is so cold and I am planning on bringing it back into my morning routine purely for it's circulatory effects, never mind it's digestive effects etc...
It uses ginger! You can buy pre-made ginger tea in a tea bag or buy a ginger root and make it homemade; I prefer this. I peel it as I go and store it in a bag in the freezer so it lasts longer and grates better.

Homemade Ginger Tea

1 tsp - 1 tbsp peeled and finely grated ginger root. 
Half a juiced lemon
1 -2 tbsp cold water
Boiled water (amount is up to you and the size of your mug)
1 tsp - 1 tbsp of honey or maple syrup

* Adjust the amounts according to taste. Some people like it more sweet and some people don't. This is great as a pre-meal digestive prep and as a warming tea. Seriously, your temperature will go up multiple degrees. 

DISCLAIMER: The person writing this blog is neither old, nor a granny. She also does not play any kind of table games with large groups. Although she does occasionally drink herbal tea in groups. But there are no doilies and bland food present. She also does not have dreads, do yoga or mediate (at least not the kind you're thinking) or do special chants before drinking her tea. In other words, anyone can drink herbal tea and be cool. Do it! It's the new thang!

Here's to being warm! Which I am now. Toasty, in fact.

              Yours sincerely,

                                  Mrs E.

P.S. None of these pictures are mine. I got them off the internet. I need my own camera again!

Here are the links to them. I got them off of google images.








Friday, March 1, 2013

The Best Kind of Kale

Hi. So, I've decided to tell you about this new recipe I completely made up that looks and tastes delicious. The main ingredient is none other than...KALE! Yes kale. In the transition to eating very healthy I came across this food and thought "hmmm... that doesn't look very good." Kinda like eating green leather! Well, I avoided it for a time, but finally I had to face the green devil of super foods. So, I did. Guess what? It can taste pretty dang good. Who knew hey?! I discovered that you can put it in soups and stews, massage it in lemon juice - which softens it and gives it nice flavour and makes it nice for tossing into salads-, throw a bit into an omelet with peppers and onions, make kale chips, saute it/massage it with lemon juice and seasonings, aaaannd (favorite so far) saute it in coconut oil, pepper and salt. Seriously, I have found that simpler is better for kale and my taste buds to continue a good relationship. This recipe I discovered and totally made on the fly is a variation of my favorite way to make kale. Here you go!

                               The Best Kind of Kale

Kale, sunflower seeds, green onions, black eyed peas sauteed in coconut oil, sea salt, pepper, turmeric and garlic. Topped with goat cheese. So good!!

What you need:

2-3 handfuls of ripped up kale leaves (however much you want really)
1/4 - 1/2 cup pre-cooked black eyed peas
1/4 cup - 1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds
Handful of green onions
1-3 tbsp of plain goat cheese (again, however much you want here)
1 -2 tbsp coconut oil
3 good shakes of sea salt and pepper
1 tsp of turmeric
1 tsp of garlic

* This recipe is made according to taste so you can tweak the amounts as you choose.

Melt the coconut oil in a pan on the stove top at medium heat. Add the sunflower seeds and stir occasionally in the oil for a couple of minutes. Add the kale and stir into the coconut oil until every leaf is moist with it. Add all the other seasonings and green onions (this will depend on how cooked you want them. I prefer mine  almost raw so I added them close to the end). Then stir periodically for about 5-10 min so all the flavors can soak in and then serve! Now sprinkle some goat cheese on top and serve. Delish! So quick and easy. Seriously, I think this took me maybe 20 min including prep time (the black eyed peas were already cooked. I was just re-heating them).

Makes enough for 1 - 2 people. Depending on the appetite ;) I ate this all by myself with nothing else. So it was a meal for me.

Now go and try it! If I could overcome my qualms about kale so can you.

Bon appetit!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Scarves in your hair

I've been making full use of pinterest. When I first got it I didn't really get it. Now I do and I find it extremely useful. I don't have to have a file folder on my computer that takes up memory and energy, I can access it from anywhere, I can create as many boards as I want AND I can search for what I'm looking for right then and there! Convenient? Yes. If you are a gal like me and you are ALWAYS seeking inspiration and help with ideas, use pinterest.

Awhile ago, after having my hair cut, I decided I wanted to try using scarves and hair pieces in my hair. To give me more variety and to make it more my own. Naturally, I went to pinterest and searched for ideas. I found lots! So, today I wanted to post about what I've discovered about wearing scarves in your hair. I've only tried a few styles so far, and I can't post any of my own pictures right now, but here are some pics from my pinterest board and tips I've thought of.

1. If you want to be able to try multiple styles you will need:
     * Longer scarves
     * Shorter scarves (think Hermes or kerchief type scarves)
     * Wider scarves
     * Skinnier scarves
The longer and skinnier scarves can create styles like these: 


All of these styles can be done with long, medium or medium short hair. I'm sure some of them could even be done with short hair. My hair is medium - medium short and I have tried the last two.

I suggest the first one for a more casual and slightly sporty outfit. Maybe for those days you haven't washed your hair and don't feel like doing much with it; but you still want to look good. You could also use a more elegant scarf, wrap it around one more time and pair it with a fancier up-do and out fit, to create a more elegant look. The 2nd and 3rd are a more retro style and would go well with a retro look. Though I think the possibilities are almost endless with these two styles. The last two are the one's I've had most success with so far. To avoid looking too gypsy or pirate like (unless that's what you're going for of course!) choose the right scarf. I noticed the pattern and color can make all the difference here. As well as what you are wearing, jewelry and how you do your hair. Avoid wearing things that are too hippy or unique with it to balance out the look. If you are wearing a substantial hair accessory, make sure there is simplicity in your outfit. This will also help you avoid looking too busy and taking the attention off your awesome hair scarf. Of course the level to which you do this will depend on your personal taste. I think the picture of the girl with short dark hair is a good example of what not-to do. Personally.

2. The longer-wider scarf

If you wish your scarf to cover more of your hair, stand out more and hang further; choose the longer and wider scarf. These are probably the easiest because most people wear them around their necks. You know like, when it's chilly outside? This is where I started. You probably have several in your house right now. I would say the same for these as I did for the last two styles above. These kinds of styles are great for working in your garden, cooking, going to the market, the beach, exploring downtown shops and boutiques or being artistic. Or if you are creating brews-I mean herbal concoctions! in your kitchen. Haha.

Shorter scarves:

As you can see, wearing this style (with the tie up top), on/around, under or over your hair makes a difference to how it looks. Around your hair mixes the 70's and the 40's together for a sophisticated yet natural look. With the right print, out fit and accessories this look could even look tribal and ethnic.

Under the hair with an up-do creates a very fresh, feminine and distinctively retro look. As I said, I think this one has almost endless possibilities. Just explore.

The last one is very fun and also kind of retro. To me it says: 1940's glam movie star off screen eating lunch. Fun and fresh, with a touch of glamour and sophistication. Just make sure your outfit and accessories don't make you look like you just finished cleaning the house.

  These three could probably be done with both wide or thin shorter scarves. I find this look much more sophisticated and classy, especially with long hair. It's also a much simpler look. Shorter hair would give it more edge or fun. This style also gives you more options with your outfit and could be worn more places. A good go-to scarf option.

This look is great if you want something different from a toque or hat in the colder months of the year. Or if it's too cold to do any of the other scarf looks without covering them up in a hat or hood. These are also easy to make and easy to find, since they are so popular.

2. Wearing a scarf in your hair is a brave, unique, simple and fun alternative option for your head! I recommend it. I definitely think that anyone can find a way of doing it that looks great for them, long or short hair, thin or over weight. It just takes some creative thinking and open-mindedness. As always, you want to ensure that what you wear, including your accessories, goes well with the scarf and doesn't make it look shabby, frumpy or silly. Don't wear your frumpy clothes outside...or at all! Ever ;) Remember to express your own unique style with dignity. There is a way to dress frumpy without looking it. You are a WOMAN and YOU, yes YOU, can wear a scarf in your hair. Now, embrace your femininity and give it a try. I would LOVE to hear your ideas. Maybe I'll do a post on fashion for the scarf-wearing-lady. Please share in the comments below.

Yours truly

   Mrs. Evans

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I have many interests. Ask anyone who knows me well. I'm not that artist who is oober passionate about one thing and excels at it. I am that oober creative person who - tries, experiments with and has many - creative outlets. These include such things as photography, interior decorating and design, crafts, sewing, fashion, hair and makeup, fitness, nutrition, food, sustainability, environmental stuff, DIY projects and music. I kind of move around between all of them.

 I played the piano almost every day for a very long time, wrote a whole bunch of songs and even performed some of them and then one day just stopped. I've hardly done this for months now. Except for the random time here and there. I've done this with many things many times. It's allowed me to try a lot of different things and gain skills in multiple areas. I'm learning to roll with it.

Anyways, I've been thinking about this blog, what it has been so far, what I want it to eventually be, and what needs to change etc... and I've decided I want to start blogging about all of my interests. Not just food. This way, I won't feel pressured to always be cooking awesome things or exploring this all the time (which I pretty much stopped doing for a good long while). It will allow me to always have material for my blog of varying topics which will help to keep me focused, not bore me (or you) and require me to be creative everyday. It gives me a reason and a motivation to explore all of my interests and enhance my knowledge and skill in each area. Which I really need to do.

 I've been having a hard time for some time now just feeling happy and dealing with my own insecurities, emotional stress and confusion (which I realize I'm not alone in). I've been working on it and I recently told my Mom that I sometimes feel manic. She replied by saying that all creative people are slightly manic. Hahaha! It was the perfect thing to hear at that moment. It hit me. I'm not crazy, I'm not depressed, I'm not mentally ill or unstable. Yes, I have some weak areas I need to work on like everyone else but my difficulties are simply a natural by-product of an intensely creative person whose creativity and passion has been starved for some time.

The answer is quite simple. I am a person who needs to be, to move, to do, to create. A LOT. Working at jobs that have not fulfilled me to make ends meet, losing jobs, looking for jobs, constant stress about finances, moving (which I've done 6 or 7 times in less than 2 years), being in survival mode, concerns about family members, adjusting to a new stage of life (being married), being separated from my husband etc.... In short: change after change after change in a very short period of time has been very taxing on my body and my spirit. I didn't take great care of my health according to my standards, I didn't do much creatively and felt I had to focus solely on survival. I've learned a ton from this and my Heavenly Father has carried me through. Did I manage it perfectly? No. Did I do everything wrong? No! Some of how I handled it was great and some of it wasn't. Sounds like life doesn't it? I've learned more about who I want to be. Good and wonderful things came into my life during this time. I learned more about my limits, more about myself, more about who I really am. I weakened in some areas and strengthened in others. I drew closer to my husband but it wasn't a smooth transition. It's not over yet but now that I have this chance to be still for a while before I plunge myself into the next stage, I am doing a lot of reflecting. I feel like something that finally stopped running after being chased for miles by huge waves of the ocean. They are washing over me.


 I'm finding it very painful, awkward and emotional. Like peeling off a band aid (only more wet ;). But probably necessary in His plan. So, I move through it. I'm glad to know and be reminded that the atonement of Jesus Christ works and because of that I don't have to move through it like a well schooled ballet dancer. I can be an awkward dancer. All I have to do is move and that is enough. Enough for Him to work with. He will make my movement look like a perfect and beautiful ballet. If I let Him.


So! Part of this movement will be to blog almost everyday for as long as I feel necessary. Or until I change tracks again. Haha. I'm looking at it as creative expression and something necessary for my soul and my sanity right now. I'm going to finish this post and do another one on scarves in your hair! I'll tell you why in that post :) Thanks for reading. It felt good to share that. I hope it soothed a soul, validated someone and inspired someone. If you struggle with similar things here are a couple things I suggest:

1. Read and study your scriptures everyday no matter what.

2. Pray. Like the Dickens.

3. Do something(s) everyday that is good for your soul.

4. Keep a gratitude journal.


5. NEVER compromise your health. There is nothing more important.

6. SERVE and stay close to your loved ones (they kinda go hand in hand).


Mrs. Evans

Sunday, January 27, 2013

No eggs?!

Have you ever been about to bake something and then realized you don't have eggs? You know that feeling of dissapointment and of being stopped short when you are totally on a mission? When you have a plan, a vision, an idea, a drive to create something awesome? I do. That's why I am sharing this great tip with you: the egg substitute. It's healthy, easy and probably sitting in your kitchen right now if you are at all interested in healthy eating. It's called flaxseed. I came across this when looking for a healthier version of a baking recipe. It's genius! Often meant for vegetarians, vegans or anybody who just wants to cook less with animal products. I am none of those things but sometimes I don't have eggs and this solves my problem. Here is the recipe. I know there are others out there but this one works for me:

To replace 1 egg use 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds and 3 tbsp water or other liquid.


1 tbsp whole flaxseeds and 4 tbsp water.

You want to stir this until it's very gelatinous and thick. 

I ALWAYS have flaxseeds in my kitchen so this is kind of awesome to know. Just sayin'.
So there you go! You are officially a smarter, healthier and more well rounded person in your kitchen. You're welcome. This post is great by the way: http://www.theppk.com/vegan-baking-the-post-punk-kitchen-shows-you-how/

P.S. I want to try this recipe! (see link below)


I have been using pinterest more for recipes etc... It rocks! I love it. Here are some of my favorites:

Here is the link to my pinterest section on food: http://pinterest.com/amberlekathryn/food/

Bon appetit!

On another note, I am moving this week. My husband got a job in Emonton, Alberta and starts orientation on Feb 4th - 7th. He flies out on Feb 2nd. I am moving home with my family in NB until he has things settled for me to go out there with him. I am not looking forward to our long absence from eachother but I can't wait to start this new life. The Maritimes has been a beautiful place to live but I am SO ready for another adventure and the freedom and independence this move will bring us. I'm excited for all of the challenges too. I will sometimes miss my ocean, the rolling hills, the market, all the neat houses I've come to love, the water front, the neat stores and art galleries I've discovered and the people, especially my family. But I will find and rediscover new loves and artistic enjoyments, make amazing friendships, explore a different beauty and enjoy a different energy and environment. I will be financially stable and free to pursue my career and interests more. I will finally get my full license and try and take up camping and hiking. I am also going to get back into/ get deeper into OOBER DOOBER SUPER HEALTHY eating and cooking. We will be free to really develop our family unit into something strong and unique, that is all it's very own, away from parents, family and family-like influences. We need to do this. For the first time in my life I am going to only do what I am passionate about and what I love. I am going to fully exercise the spirit of independence and fire inside me. I'm already starting to blossom and change. This is quite possibly going to be the best time in my life. I can feel it. It is my turn to truly dance in the sun, the way I was born to. So look out world! And please Maritimes, understand and be happy for me. I love you and you will always be a home to me. I will not look back but I will fondly remember and cherish extensive visits and vacations. I have a gypsy soul and you cannot hold me down. I know we may never fully understand each others differences; you who loves to stay and I who loves to roam. You took me in for a time and now you must share me with somewhere else. My HOME is my one-true-love and that means home can be anywhere. Love me for who I am and let me fly, for fly I must. 
This adventure will bring out the best in both of us, my husband and I, and we can't wait to start!