I LOVE smoothies. Why do
I love smoothies? Many reasons. First of all they are sooo easy and quick to
make. Second, you can put anything you want in them and make them as healthy or
unhealthy as you like. I don't know how many times I've added flaxseed, hempseed,
greens powder, even powdered glucosamine sulfate! to some fruit, maybe even
some leafy greens, and almond, hazelnut, coconut, rice or goats milk (sometimes
just water!), and had the results be delicious, sustaining and satisfying. It's
one of my favorite breakfast choices and while I could sing about my love and
appreciation for smoothies from the rooftops; over the years I have discovered
one major flaw with them. What is this flaw you may ask? Well, I'll tell ya.
Smoothies are a great option during the warmer months of the year but when it
comes time to turn up the heat, warm up your car a few minutes before you leave
and start bundling up and wearing more layers, they become less appealing. Not
because they don't taste as good, but because they aren't conducive to keeping
warm. They can make you stinking cold! and who wants to walk out their door in
the morning cold? I know I don't. That's why I never eat them in the winter. I
found it a shame though that a breakfast option that has served one so well the
rest of the year, should have to be discontinued for that reason alone. So, I
decided it was time to make a change. The result? A genius discovery which I
would like to call a hot smoothie! My apologies if you are the official
inventor or are a personal friend of theirs. The idea is to make a smoothie
like normal - place ingredients in blender and press blend – then add a step by
heating the blended substance in a small pot on the stove. Be
sure to stir continuously and not heat too high or too long so you can keep as
many of the enzymes alive as possible. Let me share photos and a couple
variations of my version of the hot smoothie.
Hot smoothie #1 – Ugly Betty: (Doesn’t look pretty but tastes good.)
1 banana
¼ cup blueberries
½ pomegranate
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp greens powder
1 tbsp ground flaxseed
½ cup Liberte coconut yogurt
¼ - ½ cup water
1 tsp vanilla extract
Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend. Pour the
result into a small pot and heat it over medium low heat on the stove-top to your
desired temperature. Pour into a mug and enjoy!
Hot smoothie #2 – Apple Cinnamon Joy!
1 apples
4 dates
1 – 2 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp greens powder
1 tbsp grounds flaxseed
1 tbsp liquid honey
1 tsp ground cloves
½ cup goats milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes
Blend all ingredients (excluding the topping) in a blender or food
processor. Heat on stove-top and sprinkle the topping on top! Serve in a
Christmas-style mug (this step is essential) and enjoy! Merry Christmas! Unless
you’re in the states, and you just had Thanksgiving.
* A note about greens powder. The first link will take you to the greens powder I use. The second is another brand and just further explains what it is good for. I consider a greens powder to be like a whole-food multi-vitamin. It's good insurance to add to an already healthy diet and exercise regime. It is particularly high in B vitamins which is the main reason I use it. http://public.naturallynovascotia.com/products/viewproduct.asp?productid=182, http://www.greenspowder.net/