My name is Amberle (Am-bur-lee). I am an almost-graduated student of natural nutrition, and a soon-to-be holistic nutritionist. I love everything about food, especially nutritious food, the taste, the smell, the look, the feel, where it came from, how it was grown or raised, the atmosphere of where I get it from and of course what you can do with it. There are few things I enjoy more than a solid hour or three in the kitchen making delicious and beautiful food. I love:
* The joy of discovering a new kind of food to eat or a new combination that significantly broadens your meal options.
*I love finding the perfect loaf of bread at the market.
*I love wearing my apron (it's really cute).
*I love breathing in the smell of fresh herbs or freshly baked muffins.
*I love playing italian or french music while cooking.
*I love picking my food just before I eat it.
*I love being able to say," It's delicious aaand healthy".
I've had quite the journey with food over the last few years. My diet has undergone ALOT of changes, and along the way I've learned many, many things that have really improved my cooking and eating experience. I know that there are alot of people out there who want to eat well but don't feel like they know what to make, or who have recently been told they need to eat gluten free, wheat free and/or dairy free and now feel like they have nothing to eat. There are health practitioners looking for a good resource to give their clients healthy recipe ideas and there are also those people who, like me, enjoy cooking and know how to make healthy delicious food but want to know more and who gain inspiration from other people's recipes and ideas. This blog is for you all. I will update as often as possible, sometimes every day or every few days sometimes every week or every 2 weeks. I will post recipes, ideas, pictures and my musings on food related topics. My desire is to share my food experience with you and help you feel inspired to get in that kitchen, or get to that market, or get in that garden. I want to inspire you to be healthy and savor every bite of it.
So, with no further ado, here are some dishes I've created complete with how-to's and pictures! Once for each meal of the day; breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bon appetit!
1 apple
Goat or amond milk
Maple syrup
Cook quinoa in boiling water. Approx. 2 cups of water per 1 cup quinoa. Start at high heat, switch to medium heat when it's bubbling. Cook until most of water is soaked and quinoa is softened. Chop up apple and a handful of almonds. Pour approx. 1/2 cup of milk into a bowl. Add cooked quinoa, apple and almond chunks. Pour about 1 1/2 - 2 tbso of maple syrup, and cinnamon on top and mix with spoon. Mmmmm.....
Two slices of sprouted bread (I will include a recipe for sprouted bread later)
1 avocado
Thin slices of red beet
Goat cheese
*Slice open avocado and scoop out flesh with butterknife, spread on bread like you would nut butter or jam
*Place thin slices of red beet on top of avocado
*Sprinkle goat cheese on top (Work a bit with your fingertips to get it to separate and sprinkle more)
Tada! Lunch!
*Cook a piece or more (adapt to numbers) of boneless, skinless chicken breast
*Simultaneously chop up as many sweet potatoes, carrots, turnip, zucchini, onion, celery, fresh rosemary, fresh basil and parsley as you want
*Steamed the veggies in a big pot with some water and a cube or two of veggie bouillon, adding the herbs after 3 minutes or so.
*Chop cooked chicken into cubes
* Once the veggies are sufficently tender combine all the ingredients as well as a little sea salt and powdered dulse ( a dark purple coloured sea vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals that you can purchase in salt-shaker type form) into a food processor and processed it until it is a thick creamy consistency.
*Dip some whole grain bread in it, add some goat cheese into the mixture, and/or sprinkle some fresh parsley or cilantro on top.
*Serve and enjoy!
Yay! Keep the recipes coming. Maybe some that are kid friendly for beginners?